ARTICLE 19 and Human Constanta welcome the report by the Group of Experts. The Group’s work is essential for documentation and accountability amid the ongoing human rights crisis.
While we note the recent release of 258 political prisoners – who were pardoned without being exonerated – more than 1200 remain behind bars. We have repeatedly appealed to this Council to call for the release of human rights defender Nasta Lojka, who is still serving her 7-year sentence for doing her work. She joins scores of other civil society actors in prison – defenders, journalists, lawyers, and active citizens.
Belarusian authorities readily equate dissenting political opinions with “extremism” and “terrorism” – the latter being punishable with death. Committing “extremist” crimes is a ground for being deprived of Belarusian citizenship. Online spaces are permeated with censorship – as little as subscription, post, or comment on “extremist” channels can land one in prison. Administering such channels is punished even more harshly – with a host of criminal articles, from “inciting hatred” to “running an extremist formation” to “calling to overthrow the government.” The authorities themselves report the commission of 22 500 alleged “extremist” crimes since 2020.
The broad application of “anti-extremism” laws is what facilitates the commission of crimes against humanity in Belarus. We reiterate our support for the Group and encourage the experts to continue documenting the “ecosystem” of repression made possible with such laws. We also reiterate our calls on the Group and all States to continue demanding the release of all political prisoners, including Nasta Lojka.