UN General Assembly: States must vote to protect and enable Human Rights Defenders

ARTICLE 19, joined with a number of other global organisations, urges UN Member States to vote in favour of the resolution “Human Rights Defenders in the context of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Read the full letter – in English, French and Arabic.


Accion Solidaria on HIV/Aids
Accountability and justice for victims of the
genocide of Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka
Action Trans-Crime Uganda
Alkarama Foundation
All India Network of Individuals and
Organizations working with National and
State Human Rights Institutions (AINNI)
Alliance for Democracy in Laos
Amnesty International
Anti-discrimination Centre Memorial
Anuak Justice Council, Ethiopia/South Sudan
ARC International
Asian Forum for Human Rights and
Asian Legal Resource Centre
Assistance Mission for Africa
Association for Progressive Communications
Association for the Prevention of Torture
Association of World Citizens
Austrian Solidarity for Guatemala (Guatemala
Solidarität Österreich)
Bahrain Centre for Human Rights
Bahrain youth society for human rights
Belarus Watch
British Humanist Association
Brot fuer die Welt
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Bytes for All, Pakistan
Cambodian Center for Human Rights
CEFoRD-South Sudan
Center for Civil Liberties
Center for Development of International Law
Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance
Center for Inquiry
Center for Reproductive Rights
Center for Women’s Global Leadership
Centre for Civil and Political Rights
Centre for Human Rights and Development
Centre for the Development of Democracy
and Human Rights
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS)
Child Rights Connect (formerly Le Groupe des
ONG pour la Convention relative aux droits de
Child Rights International Network CRIN
Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Church of The Brethren
Citizens for Justice and Peace
Civil Rights Defenders
Civil Rights Defenders, Sweden
CIVILIS Human Rights
Coalition for the International Criminal Court
COC Netherlands
CODAP – Youth resource center on human
CODEVIDA, Coalition of Organizations for the
rights to Health and to Life
Collectif Guatemala
Computer Aid International
Comsión Mexicana de Defensa y Promoción
de los Derechos Humanos
Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario MX
Czech Helsinki Committee
Development Alliance
Diaspora Action Australia
East and Horn of Africa Human Rights
Defenders Project (EHAHRDP)
Ecology center in western Mongolia
E-Education center, Mongolia
Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
FIDH, within the framework of the
Observatory for the Protection of Human
Rights Defenders
Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA)
Foundation HELP
Freedom House
Freelance Journalist / Human Rights Defender
Frente de Mujeres Defensoras de la
Pachamama – Ecuador
Front Line Defenders
Geneva for Human Rights
Global Bersih
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
Global Forum for Media Development
Global Initiative for Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights
Global Justice Center
Global meridian
Government-Citizen Partnership NGO
Gulf Center for Human Rights
Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly -Vanadzor
Helsinki Committee of Armenia
Human Rights Campaign in China
Human Rights Concern – Eritrea
Human Rights Defenders’ Alert – India
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF)
Human Rights Information Center
Human Rights Watch
ILGA – The International Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association
International Campaign for Human Rights in
International Catholic Child Bureau
International Center for Justice and Human
International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
International Coalition for the Responsibility
to Protect
International Commission of Jurists
International Commission of Jurists Victoria
International Council of AIDS Service
Organizations (ICASO)
International Dalit Solidarity Network
International Helsinki Association for Human
International Justice Resource Center
International Movement Against All Forms of
Discrimination and Racism (IMADR)
International Partnership for Human Rights
International Platform against Impunity
International Rehabilitation Council for
Torture Victims (IRCT)
International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
International Women’s Health Coalition
International Women’s Rights Action Watch
International Youth Human Rights Movement
Iranian Queer Organization, IRQO
Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement
of Human Rights
JASS (Just Associates)
Justice and Peace
Justice Connect
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human
Rights and Rule of Law
Kharkiv Regional Foundation “Public
Alternative”, Ukraine
Legal Resources Centre
Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs, Slovenia
Loretto Community
MAIN Maloca Internationale
Men’s Association
Mitchell foundation-NGO,Mongolia
MonAme Research Center-NGO, Mongolia
Mongolian Gender Equality Center
Mongolian Women’s Employment Supporting
Nazra for Feminist Studies
Netherlands Helsinki Committee
No Peace Without Justice
One World Platform Foundation
OT Watch
OutRight Action International
Peace Brigades International
Peace Watch Switzerland
People’s Watch, India
Princess center
Project on Organizing, Development,
Education, and Research (PODER)
Promo LEX Association Moldova
Provea, Venezuelan Education-Action
Program on Human Rights
Psychological Responsiveness NGO
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Public Union of Democracy and Human Rights
Resource Centre
Public Verdict Foundation
Queensland Association of Independent Legal
Services Inc.
Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos
Refugee Council of Australia
RFSL, the Swedish Federation for LGBTQ
Rivers Without Boundaries
Russian LGBT Network
Schweizer Forum für Menschenrechte und
Frieden in Guatemala
Sinergia, Venezuelan Association of Civil
Society Organizations
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia
Sova Center for Information and Analysis
Spanish Society for IHRL
Swiss Helsinki Committee
Swiss Working Group on Colombia
The Association for Women’s Rights in
Development (AWID)
The Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture
Victims (KRCT)
The Norwegian Human Rights Fund
The Tibet Bureau
Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y
Defensores de Derechos Humanos –
Guatemala (UDEFEGUA)
Unión Latinoamericana de Mujeres – ULAM
United Nations Association – UK
Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human
West African Human Rights Defenders’
Women’s International League for Peace and
Freedom (WILPF)
Women’s Refugee Commission
World Federalist Movement – Institute for
Global Policy
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) –
within the framework of the Observatory for
the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
World Uyghur Congress
Yemen Organization for Defending Rights &
democratic freedoms
Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN)
Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum
Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights
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