UK: Joint Civil Society Statement on Encryption

UK: Joint Civil Society Statement on Encryption - Digital

ARTICLE 19 has joined a joint statement, with 8 other organisations, raising concern over the UK government’s proposals to undermine the use of encryption on online platforms and messaging services, including through the Online Harms Bill. The joint statement calls on the government to ensure that any duty of care or codes of practice are adopted through legislation that does not undermine companies’ encryption practices. The UK government should be promoting strong encryption practices nationally and internationally. 

Encryption is relied upon by users worldwide to protect their privacy, safety and security. This provides a means in which people feel safe to exercise theirs right to freedom of expression, freedom of information, and association and assembly.

Read the joint statement

Signatories: ARTICLE 19, Big Brother Watch, English PEN, Global Partners Digital, Index on Censorship, Open Rights Group, Privacy International, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and Scottish PEN