You are invited to attend: Don’t Spy On Us CryptoParty with ARTICLE 19.
Where: Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, London. EC1R 3GA
When: #TheDayWeFightBack (Tuesday, 11 February 2014)
The Don’t Spy On Us campaign is a coalition of the most influential organisations who defend privacy, free expression and digital rights in the UK, Europe and across the globe including Article19.
We’ve come together to fight back against the system of unfettered mass state surveillance that Edward Snowden has exposed.
Right now, the UK’s intelligence services are conducting mass surveillance that violates internet user’s privacy and chills free speech. The impact globally may be more profound. If democracies turn a blind eye to mass surveillance, dictatorships will build ever more dystopian surveillance programmes to shut down the space for democratic activism, civil society and internet freedom.
The campaign kicks off on the 11 February with a CryptoParty at Article19’s home the Free Word Centre to mark #TheDayWeFightBack a global event that will see organisations and individuals from across the globe speak out against mass state surveillance.
Friends of Article19 can attend to find out how they can secure their personal computers, laptops and smartphones to protect the security of their emails from snooping.
The event is FREE with a bar, live demonstrations and some big hitting guest speakers
RSVP here