Iran’s government wants a ‘Clean Internet’… so what’s their solution?
Earlier this year, ARTICLE 19 published a report titled ‘Tightening the Net: Iran’s National Internet Project’, the first of a two-part exploration of tools and tactics used by the Iranian authorities to ‘clean’ the Internet in Iran of undesirable content, and its ramifications on freedom of expression.
If fully implemented, this $581m project will see the citizens of Iran cut off from the World Wide Web, all content regulated, and all user activity by monitored.
We’ve got a quick formula for those who cannot fit our whole report into their schedules: take a look at our 4 step infographic to get an insight into how Iran is implementing its ‘clean Internet’ plan, the consequences and of course, our recommendations.
Just collect your dirty content, throw in a cup of Isolation detergent and some whitewashing solution, with maybe a splash of surveillance, and hang your users out to dry…
Coming up is Part 2 of the ‘Tightening the Net’ series, this time exploring the Iranian Cyber Army: watch this space!