Mexico: Journalist killed in the state of Tabasco

Mexico: Journalist killed in the state of Tabasco - Protection

A television journalist reports from a crime scene in the border town of Ciudad Juarez, which is plagued by drug related violence. Drug cartels fight over control of lucrative smuggling routes while smaller gangs fight each other over territory.

Ismael Diaz Lopez , a reporter for the newpapers El Criollo and Tabasco Hoy, was murdered yesterday.

ARTICLE 19 demands that the Attorney General of the State of Tabasco exhausts all lines of investigation in the murder, and considers the journalistic work of Diaz in the investigation. We also call for the Special Prosecutor for Crimes against Freedom of Expression (FEADLE) of the Attorney General’s Office to investigate the case.

Since 2000, ARTICLE 19 has documented the murder of 85 journalists, potentially relating their work. During the current regime of Enrique Peña Nieto, 13 murders have been registered, four of which have occurred in 2015.