European Commission: Apple must comply with the Digital Markets Act

European Commission: Apple must comply with the Digital Markets Act - Digital

Photo by Bagus Hernawan on Unsplash.

ARTICLE 19 joined a coalition of organisations and stakeholders in a submission of additional information to the European Commission regarding Apple’s proposed compliance measures with the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The coalition is deeply concerned about Apple’s approach to DMA compliance, which, contrary to the clear objectives of the legislation, is entirely aimed at maintaining exclusive control over the application ecosystem on iPhones and iPads. 

In the analysis, we highlight how Apple’s compliance plans are insufficient and urge the Commission to adopt non-compliance decisions against Apple as swiftly as possible and to impose the relevant fines. It is apparent that the European Commission aligns with several of our concerns, having already initiated three non-compliance procedures against Apple for falling short of ensuring effective compliance with its obligations under the DMA. Notably, one of these inquiries has resulted in preliminary findings that confirm that Apple’s steering rules for the App Store are in breach of the DMA.  

Effective compliance by designated gatekeepers with the clear obligations set by the DMA is absolutely essential to promote fairness and contestability in digital markets. ARTICLE 19 will continue its advocacy for a resolute and swift enforcement of the DMA against all designated gatekeepers. 

Read the full submission