Call for Contributions: Issues and Challenges of the Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television

Call for Contributions: Issues and Challenges of the Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television - Digital

A crowd gathered at Epo's, a popular nightspot in Ghana's capital Accra, to watch a live broadcast of the FIFA World Cup match between Ghana and Germany on 23 June 2010.

Are you a researcher, media practitioner, information and communication technology (ICT) specialist, journalist, lecturer or engineer interested in the issue of the digital transition, its challenges and opportunities?

Your thoughts and contributions may be of interest: respond to this call for papers, for the publication of a book on the issues and challenges of the digital transition in West Africa, and Senegal in particular.


If you are interested in answering this call, please send an abstract of approximately 500 characters (200 words) to [email protected] and [email protected], copied to [email protected] by 30 October 2015 at the latest.

Authors of the selected abstracts will be contacted between 1 November 2015 and 30 November 2015 about the drafting of the final papers which should reach the scientific committee latest by 9 January, 2016.

The final articles must meet the following criteria:

  • Between 15,000 and 40,000 characters, including spaces;
  • Font size 12;
  • Times New Roman, regular margins, continuous spaced.

ENG – Call for contributions in full (PDF).

FR – Appel à contribution (PDF).

More details on the call for contributions here.

Appel à contribution.