ARTICLE 19 Brazil launches analysis on the 6 months of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet

On  January 22nd, ARTICLE 19 BRAZIL launched the analysis “Civil Rights Framework for the Internet: six months later, where are we?” (“Marco Civil da Internet: seis meses depois, em que pé que estamos?”), a piece of work that offers an overview of the progress and challenges arising from the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in its first 180-day period.

The Civil Rights Framework is the law that regulates the internet in Brazil. It was approved in the middle of an intense mobilisation of Brazilian civil society and has been in effect since June 22nd. The law is seen by ARTICLE 19 as an improvement, as it provides good general safeguards for the rights to freedom of expression and privacy, as well as a guarantee of net neutrality.

In the analysis produced by the ARTICLE 19 Brazil, the Civil Rights Framework is examined under four main points: Provider Responsibility, Development and Internet Access, Privacy and Network Neutrality.

The analysis also shows the impact of the Civil Rights Framework on some high-profile cases that occurred during the period, and gives a brief review of the main bills that intend to amend the Civil Rights Framework or address it in some way.

“In our analysis, we seek to raise the following question: how are the State policies being developed in order to address the main rights that Civil Rights Framework aims to ensure?”, says Laura Tresca, Digital Rights Officer from ARTICLE 19 Brazil, and responsible for the work.

On the need for regulation of the law, Tresca adds: “The Civil Rights Framework for the Internet is now officially in place for six months, and even if its regulation is yet to be made by the Executive, it is already in effect”.

The subject of “revenge porn”, an act that is increasingly being used against women, is also addressed. The analysis highlights two bills that seek to criminalize this act as a crime and to establish mechanisms for the removal of content in 24 hours.

Other bills analysed are those involving the “Right to be forgotten” and the internet.