A Beacon of Hope: celebrating Liu Xiaobo’s legacy

A Beacon of Hope: celebrating Liu Xiaobo’s legacy - Civic Space

ARTICLE 19 is proud to join Art for Human Rights and Human Rights in China (HRIC) in celebration and commemoration of legacy of Liu Xiaobo, the late Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. A bronze bust dedicated to Liu Xiaobo will be unveiled at the Irish Centre for Human Rights at the University of Galway on 11 September 2024, as a symbol of the struggle for human rights and democracy.

Liu Xiaobo, renowned Chinese poet and human rights defender, dedicated his life to advocating for democracy and free speech in China. He was a key participant in the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 and later co-authored Charter 08, a manifesto calling for political reforms in China. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. He passed away in 2017 while serving an 11-year prison sentence for ‘inciting subversion of state power’.

The bust, crafted by Czech sculptor Marie Šeborová, is the first bronze bust of Liu Xiaobo to be placed on a university campus anywhere in the world. It serves as a reminder of his enduring legacy and the ongoing fight for human rights and democracy.

Barbora Bukovská, Senior Director for Law and Policy at ARTICLE 19 said:

Liu Xiaobo’s life and legacy stand as a powerful testament to the ongoing struggle for freedom of expression in China and beyond. Liu may be gone, but his voice lives on. His courage to speak truth to power, even at the cost of his own freedom, inspire us to continue the quest for a world where all can express themselves freely and live without fear.

The event at the Irish Centre for Human Rights at Galway University will feature prominent speakers including Professor Siobhán Mullally, Director of the Centre, Fengsuo Zhou, a friend of Liu Xiaobo and a fellow student leader during the Tiananmen Square protests, and ARTICLE 19’s Barbora Bukovská.

ARTICLE 19 is honoured to take part in this project, a result of the collaborative efforts of Art for Human Rights, Human Rights in China (HRIC), and number of international human rights organisations, including Index on Censorship, Front Line Defenders, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Humanitarian China. It emphasies the collective commitment to uphold the values Liu Xiaobo fought for throughout his life.

ARTICLE 19 deeply appreciates the efforts of Galway University to commemorate Liu Xiaobo. Our organisation has a deep-rooted connection to the University, particularly through the legacy of Kevin Boyle, a distinguished human rights lawyer and the first executive director of ARTICLE 19. University’s James Hardiman Library now hosts Kevin Boyle’s archives, a major resource for the study and teaching of human rights. The unveiling of Liu Xiaobo’s bust at the University of Galway serves as a reminder of importance of fostering a culture of human rights education and activism at the university.

Join us in commemorating Liu Xiaobo’s remarkable legacy and reinforcing our commitment to human rights and freedom of expression.

For more information about the event see here.