United States

Missing Voices: Writer and activist Cory Doctorow temporarily locked out of Twitter
25.03.2020 3 min read

Missing Voices: Writer and activist Cory Doctorow temporarily locked out of Twitter

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ARTICLE 19 urges UK courts not to extradite Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange
20.02.2020 4 min read

ARTICLE 19 urges UK courts not to extradite Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange

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ARTICLE 19 supports calls for independent investigation into the hacking of Jeff Bezos’ phone
22.01.2020 2 min read

ARTICLE 19 supports calls for independent investigation into the hacking of Jeff Bezos’ phone

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04.10.2019 3 min read

Facebook: US, UK and Australia calls to stop encryption plans is a threat to free speech and privacy

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02.10.2019 4 min read

US: Future of free and open internet in the balance

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24.05.2019 3 min read

ARTICLE 19 calls for US Justice Department to drop charges against Assange

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UK: Government must not comply with US extradition request for Julian Assange
12.04.2019 2 min read

UK: Government must not comply with US extradition request for Julian Assange

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28.03.2019 5 min read

US: Actions against Assange and Manning set a dangerous precedent:

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27.09.2018 1 min read

Right to Know Day 2018: Progress on information access around the world

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