Senegal & West Africa

Boundaries of Expression podcast #FreeToProtest: LGBTQI+ rights
06.03.2023 1 min read

Boundaries of Expression podcast #FreeToProtest: LGBTQI+ rights

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Nigeria: Election must pave the way for better human rights protections
21.02.2023 8 min read

Nigeria: Election must pave the way for better human rights protections

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Senegal: Violence against anti-government opinions threatens democracy
20.02.2023 12 min read

Senegal: Violence against anti-government opinions threatens democracy

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Senegal: Repressive legislation threatens freedom of expression
11.01.2023 8 min read

Senegal: Repressive legislation threatens freedom of expression

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African Commission: Protect and promote LGBTQI+ rights
19.12.2022 14 min read

African Commission: Protect and promote LGBTQI+ rights

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Senegal: Arrest of journalist violates vital rights and freedoms
17.11.2022 6 min read

Senegal: Arrest of journalist violates vital rights and freedoms

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Burkina Faso: Military coup is a blow to stability and threatens human rights
05.10.2022 4 min read

Burkina Faso: Military coup is a blow to stability and threatens human rights

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Senegal: Rise in censorship and crackdown on expression
22.09.2022 5 min read

Senegal: Rise in censorship and crackdown on expression

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Nigeria: Arbitrary fines for media outlets violate press freedom
08.08.2022 3 min read

Nigeria: Arbitrary fines for media outlets violate press freedom

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