North America

Global Expression Report 2018-19: global freedom of expression at a ten-year low
02.12.2019 7 min read

Global Expression Report 2018-19: global freedom of expression at a ten-year low

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04.10.2019 3 min read

Facebook: US, UK and Australia calls to stop encryption plans is a threat to free speech and privacy

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02.10.2019 4 min read

US: Future of free and open internet in the balance

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14.08.2019 15 min read

Cuba: Respect and Guarantee the Rights of journalist Roberto Jesús Quiñones

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24.05.2019 3 min read

ARTICLE 19 calls for US Justice Department to drop charges against Assange

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UK: Government must not comply with US extradition request for Julian Assange
12.04.2019 2 min read

UK: Government must not comply with US extradition request for Julian Assange

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28.03.2019 5 min read

US: Actions against Assange and Manning set a dangerous precedent:

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UN resolution condemns political leaders’ denigration of journalists and calls for action to prevent attacks
16.10.2018 16 min read

UN resolution condemns political leaders’ denigration of journalists and calls for action to prevent attacks

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The right to information around the world
28.09.2018 1 min read

The right to information around the world

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