
Freedom of expression in Malaysia continues to deteriorate, with human rights defenders, journalists and protestors targeted with criminal sanctions for exercising their rights. The government has yet to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and many of the country’s laws fall short of international standards on free expression. Laws such as the Penal Code and Sedition Act, as well as increasingly the Communications and Multimedia Act, are used against human rights defenders and media organisations for comments online and offline which are critical of the government and address corruption.

ARTICLE 19’s work in Malaysia includes advocating for the reform of laws which restrict free expression, working to improve religious tolerance and combat hate speech, and documenting violations of freedom of expression in Malaysia.  We work to address three inter-related issues: the use of hate speech and discriminatory language on social media targeting religious and ethnic minorities; moves by the government to limit on- and off-line speech through criminal defamation and other legal action; and the capacity deficit of government institutions mandated to protect freedom of expression.

Record-Breaker on Trial: Who is Zunar?
06.11.2015 7 min read

Record-Breaker on Trial: Who is Zunar?

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“Everybody must fight for freedom in their own way” – ARTICLE 19 Interview with Zunar
06.11.2015 7 min read

“Everybody must fight for freedom in their own way” – ARTICLE 19 Interview with Zunar

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Malaysia: Sedition Act upheld in further blow to free expression
06.10.2015 8 min read

Malaysia: Sedition Act upheld in further blow to free expression

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Malaysia: Restrictions on freedom of expression around Bersih 4.0 must be lifted
01.09.2015 6 min read

Malaysia: Restrictions on freedom of expression around Bersih 4.0 must be lifted

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Malaysia: Blocking websites to prevent protest violates international law
27.08.2015 5 min read

Malaysia: Blocking websites to prevent protest violates international law

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05.08.2015 1 min read

Malaysia: Crackdown on independent voices must end

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Malaysia: Crackdown on independent voices must end
05.08.2015 13 min read

Malaysia: Crackdown on independent voices must end

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Malaysia: Drop charges against cartoonist Zunar
19.05.2015 1 min read

Malaysia: Drop charges against cartoonist Zunar

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Zunar in conversation with Martin Rowson
11.05.2015 1 min read

Zunar in conversation with Martin Rowson

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