
While President Hassan Rouhani has paved the way towards greater transparency in Iran with a new access to information law, his other election promises including greater internet freedoms remain undelivered. Since his re-election in 2017, President Rouhani’s appointment of hardliners to cabinet positions have provoked grave concerns for freedom of expression, particularly freedoms online. With continued restrictions on journalists, human rights defenders and other groups that exercise free speech, Iran evidences a glaring disregard for international human rights standards. Civil society is severely oppressed, with most groups having to operate outside of the country, and those in Iran are forced to work underground. Despite this, Iran’s new freedom of information law, passed in 2009, could be a powerful tool for journalists and human rights defenders to achieve better access to information but it has a long way to go before it is implemented effectively.

ARTICLE 19’s work on Iran focuses on monitoring laws, policies and regulations which affect freedom of expression and information online and offline. We monitor Iran’s complex internet policies and respond to evolving threats online. We work with a wide network of experts and human rights defenders on how to effectively use Iran’s freedom of information law and to highlight violations on freedom of expression and access to information.

What You Should Know about the Smartphone Revolution in Iran
09.06.2016 5 min read

What You Should Know about the Smartphone Revolution in Iran

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Iran: British Iranian arbitrarily arrested and detained in solitary confinement
10.05.2016 3 min read

Iran: British Iranian arbitrarily arrested and detained in solitary confinement

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Minding the Gap: Mapping the needs of Human Rights Defenders in Exile
15.04.2016 3 min read

Minding the Gap: Mapping the needs of Human Rights Defenders in Exile

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UNHRC 31: Iran Special Rapporteur mandate extended
29.03.2016 5 min read

UNHRC 31: Iran Special Rapporteur mandate extended

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Iropoly: Can you win at the game of digital security?
22.03.2016 2 min read

Iropoly: Can you win at the game of digital security?

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Joint Letter from the civil society on the Renewal of SR Mandate on Iran at HRC31
16.03.2016 16 min read

Joint Letter from the civil society on the Renewal of SR Mandate on Iran at HRC31

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Iran: Arbitrary detention of opposition leaders must end
12.02.2016 2 min read

Iran: Arbitrary detention of opposition leaders must end

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Iran: Release of Jason Rezaian welcome, but international pressure must remain
16.01.2016 3 min read

Iran: Release of Jason Rezaian welcome, but international pressure must remain

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Iran: Privacy and censorship fears around Telegram messaging app
18.11.2015 5 min read

Iran: Privacy and censorship fears around Telegram messaging app

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