Europe & Central Asia

08.10.2019 4 min read

Turkey: Ahmet Altan and other defendants must be acquitted and released immediately

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London vigil: No justice two years on for Daphne Caruana Galizia
08.10.2019 3 min read

London vigil: No justice two years on for Daphne Caruana Galizia

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04.10.2019 3 min read

Facebook: US, UK and Australia calls to stop encryption plans is a threat to free speech and privacy

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03.10.2019 4 min read

CJEU judgment in Facebook Ireland case is threat to online free speech

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27.09.2019 2 min read

Turkey: Academic Bülent Şık sentenced for exposing public health risk

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Google win in right to be forgotten case is victory for global freedom of expression
24.09.2019 4 min read

Google win in right to be forgotten case is victory for global freedom of expression

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23.09.2019 2 min read

Rights in extremis: Russia’s anti-extremism practices from an international perspective

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23.09.2019 3 min read

BEREC: Freedom of expression must be guaranteed in regulation of electronic communications markets

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19.09.2019 4 min read

European Court of Human Rights: the use of government hacking “represents one of the greatest threats to fundamental rights in the digital age”

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