Europe & Central Asia

Turkey: ARTICLE 19 tells European Court that terrorist conviction for merely ‘liking’ content on Facebook is disproportionate
01.07.2020 4 min read

Turkey: ARTICLE 19 tells European Court that terrorist conviction for merely ‘liking’ content on Facebook is disproportionate

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30.06.2020 7 min read

EU: Joint statement on DG CNECT and DG COMP inception impact assessments

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HRC44: Freedom of expression high on the agenda
30.06.2020 11 min read

HRC44: Freedom of expression high on the agenda

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ARTICLE 19 is launching #EyesOnExpression, curated by our Media Editor
25.06.2020 1 min read

ARTICLE 19 is launching #EyesOnExpression, curated by our Media Editor

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23.06.2020 6 min read

Russia: European Court judgment is victory for freedom of expression

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Belarus: Presidential Campaign 2020 — Violence, Threats, Detentions
22.06.2020 9 min read

Belarus: Presidential Campaign 2020 — Violence, Threats, Detentions

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Turkey: Human rights organisations call for immediate release of political prisoners
22.06.2020 6 min read

Turkey: Human rights organisations call for immediate release of political prisoners

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Coronavirus: Rules illustrate “bad law” on face coverings
19.06.2020 10 min read

Coronavirus: Rules illustrate “bad law” on face coverings

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Turkey: 44 Rights groups call for release of Kurdish journalist Nedim Türfent
15.06.2020 7 min read

Turkey: 44 Rights groups call for release of Kurdish journalist Nedim Türfent

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