
Human rights have severely deteriorated in Azerbaijan in recent years, with freedom of expression at its lowest point since 1991. The government’s crackdown on dissent has left scores of  journalists, bloggers, human rights defenders and political opposition figures in jail. Political arrests spiked in 2014 when several of Azerbaijan’s prominent civil society figures were arrested on dubious charges and given long pretrial detentions and prison terms. In the same year, restrictive amendments to legislation forced many NGOs to stop operations. While some prisoners have been released, civil society is severely suppressed. Space for independent media outlets has also been quashed. Almost all of Azerbaijan’s independent media outlets have been forced to close after new legislation blocking online media was adopted in 2017.

ARTICLE 19 has long campaigned on freedom of expression violations in Azerbaijan, focusing advocacy at international forums: the Council of Europe, the United Nations and global initiatives such as Open Government Partnership  and Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. We monitor freedom of expression and maintain the Azerbaijan Free Expression Platform, profiling violations against political prisoners. We have supported several cases of journalists, activists and human rights defenders put on trial in Azerbaijan, including by intervening in cases at the European Court of Human Rights and advocating widely for their release.  

Azerbaijan: Repression in Azerbaijan must stop
06.12.2014 4 min read

Azerbaijan: Repression in Azerbaijan must stop

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Azerbaijan: Another journalist falls victim to persecution of independent media
04.11.2014 3 min read

Azerbaijan: Another journalist falls victim to persecution of independent media

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Azerbaijan: Stop harassment and legal action against leading investigative journalist
16.10.2014 5 min read

Azerbaijan: Stop harassment and legal action against leading investigative journalist

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Azerbaijan: Council of Europe must speak up against crackdown on human rights defenders
02.10.2014 5 min read

Azerbaijan: Council of Europe must speak up against crackdown on human rights defenders

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27.08.2014 5 min read

Azerbaijan: Investigate brutal attack on journalist

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Azerbaijan: Wave of arrests of prominent human rights defenders
08.08.2014 1 min read

Azerbaijan: Wave of arrests of prominent human rights defenders

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30.04.2014 6 min read

Joint Statement: Azerbaijan must stop pressuring human rights activist Leyla Yunus and husband

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