Asia Pacific

HRC45: States must prioritise free expression amid growing global threats
14.09.2020 10 min read

HRC45: States must prioritise free expression amid growing global threats

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Myanmar: As campaign period begins, freedom of expression violations ramp up
10.09.2020 7 min read

Myanmar: As campaign period begins, freedom of expression violations ramp up

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Myanmar: Drop Charge Against Activist Poet
02.09.2020 7 min read

Myanmar: Drop Charge Against Activist Poet

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Myanmar: Government order to block campaign website is a dangerous escalation of online censorship
02.09.2020 3 min read

Myanmar: Government order to block campaign website is a dangerous escalation of online censorship

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Myanmar: ARTICLE 19 briefing highlights freedom of expression concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic response
31.08.2020 5 min read

Myanmar: ARTICLE 19 briefing highlights freedom of expression concerns amid the COVID-19 pandemic response

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Thailand: Drop charges against activists, respect the right to protest
27.08.2020 6 min read

Thailand: Drop charges against activists, respect the right to protest

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Joint statement: The decline of press freedom in Hong Kong
19.08.2020 4 min read

Joint statement: The decline of press freedom in Hong Kong

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Cambodia: Civil Society Organizations Call for the Draft Law on Public Order to be Immediately Discarded
13.08.2020 18 min read

Cambodia: Civil Society Organizations Call for the Draft Law on Public Order to be Immediately Discarded

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Thailand: Government escalates crackdown on peaceful protesters
07.08.2020 4 min read

Thailand: Government escalates crackdown on peaceful protesters

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