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Global Expression Report 2018/19:

the state of freedom of expression around the world.

In the 70th year since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we ask what progress towards universal human rights looks like, and how far we have come.

This report is one answer to that question, providing analysis of 2018’s events and trends, based on qualitative data.

Our approach interrogates not just the rights of journalists and civil society, but how much space there is for all of us – as individuals and citizens – to express and communicate – how free is each and every citizen to post online, to march, to teach, to access information we need.

The Global Expression Report 2018/19 is structured in several parts and with various points of access depending on your area of interest.  You can read the Foreword which introduces a call to action for governments and citizens alike.

To understand the methodology and how to use the report go to the Methodology page.  To start to understand what areas are influencing expression and where, go to the Global analysis page and for a deeper dive into regions, and specific countries, search the Regional overviews page, and go to the countries in focus pages for a better overview of expression in the region.

This years report also includes a new series of country updates, which take a look at focus countries from earlier reports, and examine where change has happened since we last looked at the challenges facing those countries.  There is also an in-depth look at one of ARTICLE 19s priority countries, Mexico, where the situation for expression, and in particular journalists and human/environmental defenders, is extremely serious.
