
International: States must end reprisals against anti-corruption activists
09.12.2022 12 min read

International: States must end reprisals against anti-corruption activists

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COP27: Transparency must underpin actions to address climate change
14.11.2022 7 min read

COP27: Transparency must underpin actions to address climate change

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France: Disclose MPs’ expenses under access to information law
07.11.2022 4 min read

France: Disclose MPs’ expenses under access to information law

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Eastern Africa: Digital Technologies Must Respect Human Rights
28.09.2022 7 min read

Eastern Africa: Digital Technologies Must Respect Human Rights

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Right to Know Day: Empowering people and holding the powerful to account
28.09.2022 11 min read

Right to Know Day: Empowering people and holding the powerful to account

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Meta: Transparency vital for protecting human rights in India and Palestine
25.08.2022 9 min read

Meta: Transparency vital for protecting human rights in India and Palestine

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Infographic: Progress on the right to information around the world
07.07.2022 1 min read

Infographic: Progress on the right to information around the world

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Event: Civil society leading the charge for Sustainable Development Goals
07.07.2022 2 min read

Event: Civil society leading the charge for Sustainable Development Goals

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EU: Ensure transparency of company ownership
27.06.2022 6 min read

EU: Ensure transparency of company ownership

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