
Turkey: release Cumhuriyet journalists and end abusive state of emergency measures
02.11.2016 5 min read

Turkey: release Cumhuriyet journalists and end abusive state of emergency measures

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The Cycle of Silence: Impunity in Murders of Communicators in Brazil
02.11.2016 3 min read

The Cycle of Silence: Impunity in Murders of Communicators in Brazil

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02.11.2016 3 min read

Brazil: new report analyses impunity in crimes against communicators

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Pakistan: Placing journalist Cyril Almeida on Exit Control List is an attack on freedom of expression
21.10.2016 2 min read

Pakistan: Placing journalist Cyril Almeida on Exit Control List is an attack on freedom of expression

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Malaysia: Travel ban for Zunar and other HRDs a violation of right to freedom of expression
18.10.2016 4 min read

Malaysia: Travel ban for Zunar and other HRDs a violation of right to freedom of expression

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30.09.2016 5 min read

Russia: Drop charges against blogger Anton Nossik

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Russia: Investigative Journalist and Activist Grigory Pasko Attacked
29.09.2016 1 min read

Russia: Investigative Journalist and Activist Grigory Pasko Attacked

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UN HRC: Resolution on Safety of Journalists Breaks New Ground
29.09.2016 15 min read

UN HRC: Resolution on Safety of Journalists Breaks New Ground

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Russian Investigative Journalist and Activist Grigory Pasko Attacked
29.09.2016 1 min read

Russian Investigative Journalist and Activist Grigory Pasko Attacked

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