
09.06.2017 1 min read

اليمن: منظمات غير حكومية تطالب بالإفراج عن صحفيين محتجزين لدى قوات الحوثيين منذ سنتين

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08.06.2017 3 min read

Turkey: Release Taner Kiliç, chair of Amnesty International in Turkey

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07.06.2017 6 min read

Egypt: Stop the onslaught against civil society

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04.06.2017 6 min read

Rights Groups to Formula 1: Reconsider Plans For Bahrain F1 As Crackdown Intensifies

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01.06.2017 1 min read

Freelance journalist, Nijat Amiraslanov, sentenced to 30 days’ imprisonment

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01.06.2017 9 min read

Azerbaijan: Afgan Mukhtarli abducted in Georgia and detained on smuggling and trespassing charges

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Kenya: Threats to Media Ahead of August Polls
30.05.2017 6 min read

Kenya: Threats to Media Ahead of August Polls

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Mexico: End impunity for attacks on the press after six killed this year
18.05.2017 5 min read

Mexico: End impunity for attacks on the press after six killed this year

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16.05.2017 10 min read

Turkey: UN Human Rights Council should address continuous deterioration of freedom of expression and other human rights

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