
09.08.2017 14 min read

#GobiernoEspía: Victims’ lawyers in Narvarte case targets of Pegasus spyware

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Bahrain: FCO Silence on Nabeel Rajab “Appalling”, Say 17 Rights Groups & MPs Ahead Of His Trial
08.08.2017 8 min read

Bahrain: FCO Silence on Nabeel Rajab “Appalling”, Say 17 Rights Groups & MPs Ahead Of His Trial

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07.08.2017 11 min read

Bahrain: Rights groups condemn UK FCO silence over Nabeel Rajab

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20.07.2017 4 min read

South Sudan: Release journalist held incommunicado since 10 July

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15.07.2017 6 min read

Call for the immediate release of leading human rights defenders in Turkey

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04.07.2017 6 min read

Ethical approaches to artificial intelligence and autonomous systems at IEEE SEAS 2017

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02.07.2017 5 min read

Malaysia: Immediately investigate death threats against human rights defender Siti Kasim

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27.06.2017 4 min read

Malaysia: Drop Criminal Charges against Human Rights Defender Siti Kasim

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26.06.2017 3 min read

Myanmar: Release and drop charges against journalists and activist charged under Article 66(d)

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