
Malaysia: Reform or repeal laws that restrict freedom of expression
12.06.2020 5 min read

Malaysia: Reform or repeal laws that restrict freedom of expression

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Spain: Sentencing of rapper highlights urgent need to reform Penal Code
11.06.2020 5 min read

Spain: Sentencing of rapper highlights urgent need to reform Penal Code

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Vietnam: Joint letter concerning arrest of journalists and human rights defenders
10.06.2020 1 min read

Vietnam: Joint letter concerning arrest of journalists and human rights defenders

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Europe: End gag lawsuits and protect democracy and fundamental rights
09.06.2020 8 min read

Europe: End gag lawsuits and protect democracy and fundamental rights

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Mexico: Publication of the ARTICLE 19 Mexico 2019 Annual Report
04.06.2020 8 min read

Mexico: Publication of the ARTICLE 19 Mexico 2019 Annual Report

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Mexico: Report shows Mexico’s state news agency  coordinated harassment against journalists
12.05.2020 5 min read

Mexico: Report shows Mexico’s state news agency coordinated harassment against journalists

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Malaysia: Police summon journalist who reported on migrant raids
04.05.2020 2 min read

Malaysia: Police summon journalist who reported on migrant raids

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Turkey: 24 rights groups call for release of all those arbitrarily detained, now at risk of Covid-19
17.04.2020 7 min read

Turkey: 24 rights groups call for release of all those arbitrarily detained, now at risk of Covid-19

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Appeal by NGOs and associations for Khaled Drareni’s release
03.04.2020 3 min read

Appeal by NGOs and associations for Khaled Drareni’s release

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