
Malta: Coalition of International Press Freedom NGOs submission to the Public Inquiry into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia
01.04.2021 1 min read

Malta: Coalition of International Press Freedom NGOs submission to the Public Inquiry into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia

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Mexico: Attack on ARTICLE 19 by President López Obrador highlights his grim record on impunity
31.03.2021 3 min read

Mexico: Attack on ARTICLE 19 by President López Obrador highlights his grim record on impunity

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Event: Tackling online harassment and abuse against women journalists
30.03.2021 3 min read

Event: Tackling online harassment and abuse against women journalists

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Kazakhstan: Report on the right to freedom of expression  and ‘extremism’ restrictions
29.03.2021 10 min read

Kazakhstan: Report on the right to freedom of expression and ‘extremism’ restrictions

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Kyrgyzstan: Report on freedom of expression and ‘extremism’
29.03.2021 6 min read

Kyrgyzstan: Report on freedom of expression and ‘extremism’

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Thailand: Third UPR must urge the Thai authorities to cease their assault on free expression
26.03.2021 2 min read

Thailand: Third UPR must urge the Thai authorities to cease their assault on free expression

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HRC46: Honduras must implement UPR recommendations on free expression
17.03.2021 2 min read

HRC46: Honduras must implement UPR recommendations on free expression

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HRC46: States must urge Poland to end its assault on media freedom
15.03.2021 3 min read

HRC46: States must urge Poland to end its assault on media freedom

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UK: Plan to protect journalists is an important step towards enforcement 
10.03.2021 5 min read

UK: Plan to protect journalists is an important step towards enforcement 

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