
Global Expression Report 2022
27.06.2022 1 min read

Global Expression Report 2022

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Virtual event: New and emerging threats to journalists
22.06.2022 4 min read

Virtual event: New and emerging threats to journalists

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Myanmar: Plans to carry out arbitrary executions must halt immediately
16.06.2022 11 min read

Myanmar: Plans to carry out arbitrary executions must halt immediately

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UK: Leaving the European Convention would jeopardise freedom of speech
15.06.2022 5 min read

UK: Leaving the European Convention would jeopardise freedom of speech

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Jo Glanville: Spyware threatens everyone’s right to free expression 
14.06.2022 13 min read

Jo Glanville: Spyware threatens everyone’s right to free expression 

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Turkey: End abuse of criminal proceedings against Selahattin Demirtaş
07.06.2022 9 min read

Turkey: End abuse of criminal proceedings against Selahattin Demirtaş

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Mexico: Call for investigation as number of murdered journalists rises
01.06.2022 11 min read

Mexico: Call for investigation as number of murdered journalists rises

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Egypt: UK must act now to save jailed blogger and activist
27.05.2022 6 min read

Egypt: UK must act now to save jailed blogger and activist

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Murder of Shireen Abu Akleh must be independently investigated 
26.05.2022 9 min read

Murder of Shireen Abu Akleh must be independently investigated 

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