
Global Expression Report 2018-19: global freedom of expression at a ten-year low
02.12.2019 7 min read

Global Expression Report 2018-19: global freedom of expression at a ten-year low

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Malta: International organisations concerned by appearance of political interference into the investigation of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia 
26.11.2019 3 min read

Malta: International organisations concerned by appearance of political interference into the investigation of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia 

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Turkey: Cumhuriyet journalist Ahmet Şık faces re-trial and up to 37 years in prison
20.11.2019 3 min read

Turkey: Cumhuriyet journalist Ahmet Şık faces re-trial and up to 37 years in prison

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20.11.2019 11 min read

Turkey: Re-arrest of novelist Ahmet Altan is arbitrary and cruel

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20.11.2019 5 min read

Event: Resisting censorship in Turkey

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18.11.2019 5 min read

Russia: ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill threatens journalists

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21.10.2019 2 min read

Julian Assange: Extradition would threaten investigative journalism

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Google win in right to be forgotten case is victory for global freedom of expression
24.09.2019 4 min read

Google win in right to be forgotten case is victory for global freedom of expression

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12.09.2019 3 min read

Event: Journalism behind bars in Turkey

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