
Malta: Comprehensive reforms still needed to protect journalists
27.07.2022 5 min read

Malta: Comprehensive reforms still needed to protect journalists

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UK: Positive steps to tackle lawsuits that threaten free expression
20.07.2022 2 min read

UK: Positive steps to tackle lawsuits that threaten free expression

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Hungary: EU’s decisive step over Klubrádió is vital for press freedom
19.07.2022 5 min read

Hungary: EU’s decisive step over Klubrádió is vital for press freedom

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UK: Scrap media access charges to party conferences
12.07.2022 2 min read

UK: Scrap media access charges to party conferences

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Netherlands: Tailored policy vital to better protect journalists’ safety
06.07.2022 3 min read

Netherlands: Tailored policy vital to better protect journalists’ safety

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Senegal: Laws to tackle ‘false news’ must meet international standards
04.07.2022 10 min read

Senegal: Laws to tackle ‘false news’ must meet international standards

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United Arab Emirates: Free UAE94 and other prisoners of conscience
01.07.2022 12 min read

United Arab Emirates: Free UAE94 and other prisoners of conscience

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Philippines: Ruling to shut down Rappler is an affront to press freedom
29.06.2022 2 min read

Philippines: Ruling to shut down Rappler is an affront to press freedom

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Romania: Publication of journalist’s stolen photos must be investigated
28.06.2022 5 min read

Romania: Publication of journalist’s stolen photos must be investigated

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