
20.06.2018 2 min read

HRC38: Oral statement to Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression

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19.06.2018 3 min read

UK: More regulation of content online risks rights to privacy and free expression

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Side-stepping rights: Regulating speech by contract
19.06.2018 5 min read

Side-stepping rights: Regulating speech by contract

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15.06.2018 2 min read

HRC38 event: Violence and abuse against women on social media platforms

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HRC38 event: Content regulation in a digital age
14.06.2018 3 min read

HRC38 event: Content regulation in a digital age

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Google: New Guiding Principles on AI show progress but still fall short on human rights protections
14.06.2018 10 min read

Google: New Guiding Principles on AI show progress but still fall short on human rights protections

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Russia: World Cup 2018 exposes digital rights abuses
14.06.2018 6 min read

Russia: World Cup 2018 exposes digital rights abuses

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Public interest, private infrastructure: barriers and drivers for adopting human rights standards in the Internet infrastructure industry
05.06.2018 4 min read

Public interest, private infrastructure: barriers and drivers for adopting human rights standards in the Internet infrastructure industry

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05.06.2018 1 min read

Kenya: Suspension of Cybercrimes Act provisions a welcome step to protect free expression

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