
25.07.2018 15 min read

Privacy and consent in the age of browsers: The question of WebRTC

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Regulating social media content: Why AI alone cannot solve the problem
11.07.2018 6 min read

Regulating social media content: Why AI alone cannot solve the problem

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10.07.2018 5 min read

EU: Commission approach to tackling illegal content online fails to protect free expression

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09.07.2018 9 min read

UN HRC: Protecting rights online requires States to address violence against women in digital contexts

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09.07.2018 14 min read

UN HRC maintains consensus on Internet resolution

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27.06.2018 5 min read

Russia: 50+ NGOs urge UN to challenge restrictions to online expression and digital privacy

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27.06.2018 10 min read

HRC38: Oral statement on internet freedoms in Russia

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26.06.2018 11 min read

Eastern Africa: New tax and licensing rules for social media threaten freedom of expression

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HRC38: UN expert calls for “human rights by default” in regulation of online content
20.06.2018 6 min read

HRC38: UN expert calls for “human rights by default” in regulation of online content

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