
28.03.2019 4 min read

Russia: ARTICLE 19 opposes Google in Neo-Nazi ‘right to be forgotten’ case

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27.03.2019 8 min read

Facebook oversight board: Recommendations for human rights-focused oversight

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25.03.2019 9 min read

IEEE report recognizes human rights as first principle for ethically aligned AI

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08.03.2019 3 min read

Russia: New campaign to uphold digital rights in Russia against repressive restrictions online

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Russia: Drop charges of “justifying terrorism” against journalist Svetlana Prokopieva
15.02.2019 3 min read

Russia: Drop charges of “justifying terrorism” against journalist Svetlana Prokopieva

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14.02.2019 4 min read

EU: Proposed AI guidelines fail to protect human rights

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07.02.2019 9 min read

EU: Open letter on the Terrorism Database

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31.01.2019 1 min read

India: Proposed intermediary guidelines threaten freedom of expression and privacy

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16.01.2019 6 min read

Africa: Increasing internet Shutdowns and media bans limiting access to information

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