
Blockchain: Technology alone cannot protect freedom of expression
01.07.2019 3 min read

Blockchain: Technology alone cannot protect freedom of expression

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Iran’s Draft Data Protection Act: Too little but not too late
27.06.2019 10 min read

Iran’s Draft Data Protection Act: Too little but not too late

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27.06.2019 6 min read

Iran: Personal Data Protection and Safeguarding Draft Act

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France: ARTICLE 19 comments on interim report for social media regulation
19.06.2019 3 min read

France: ARTICLE 19 comments on interim report for social media regulation

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Social Media Councils: Consultation
11.06.2019 5 min read

Social Media Councils: Consultation

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29.05.2019 4 min read

Tackling walled gardens: market domination and centralization of online news

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17.05.2019 7 min read

EU: Better human rights protections needed in HLEG Guidelines on AI

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14.05.2019 2 min read

ARTICLE 19’s response to the Christchurch Call to Action

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09.05.2019 6 min read

Singapore: New law on “online falsehoods” a grave threat to freedom of expression

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