
04.10.2019 3 min read

Facebook: US, UK and Australia calls to stop encryption plans is a threat to free speech and privacy

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03.10.2019 4 min read

CJEU judgment in Facebook Ireland case is threat to online free speech

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02.10.2019 4 min read

US: Future of free and open internet in the balance

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23.09.2019 3 min read

BEREC: Freedom of expression must be guaranteed in regulation of electronic communications markets

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19.09.2019 4 min read

European Court of Human Rights: the use of government hacking “represents one of the greatest threats to fundamental rights in the digital age”

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Facebook: New oversight board is not sufficient to safeguard freedom of expression online
18.09.2019 2 min read

Facebook: New oversight board is not sufficient to safeguard freedom of expression online

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11.09.2019 3 min read

HRC42: Council action needed on internet shutdowns

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09.09.2019 6 min read

Bangladesh and Myanmar: Restrictions on mobile communications deepens vulnerability of Rohingya community

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19.08.2019 4 min read

Malaysia: Reverse call for public reporting of ‘inappropriate’ online content

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