
#MissingVoices Campaign
10.12.2019 1 min read

#MissingVoices Campaign

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Breaking Down Silos: Cross-sector Approaches to Combatting Online Gender-based Violence
02.12.2019 2 min read

Breaking Down Silos: Cross-sector Approaches to Combatting Online Gender-based Violence

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Navigating the ITU: Breaking down the roadblocks to accessing information
26.11.2019 5 min read

Navigating the ITU: Breaking down the roadblocks to accessing information

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Russia: New Bill on pre-installed apps will limit users’ choice and restrict freedom of expression
21.11.2019 7 min read

Russia: New Bill on pre-installed apps will limit users’ choice and restrict freedom of expression

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14.11.2019 4 min read

Civil society tells Strasbourg Court blanket ban on Wikipedia is disproportionate

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12.11.2019 2 min read

Bangladesh: analysis of the Digital Security Act

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11.11.2019 3 min read

WhatsApp hack: Letter to the NCSC about cyberattacks on activists in the UK

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07.11.2019 6 min read

ICANN must strike a balance for freedom of expression

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Social Media Councils
28.10.2019 1 min read

Social Media Councils

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