Safety of journalists and human rights defenders

Journalists and human rights defenders around the world face major risks as a result of their work. Governments and other powerful actors, seeking to escape scrutiny and stifle dissent, often respond to critical reporting or activism with attempts to silence them.

Threats, surveillance, attacks, arbitrary arrest and detention, and, in the most grave cases, enforced disappearance or killings, are too often the cost of reporting the truth. The protection of journalists and human rights defenders, and ending impunity for attacks against them, is a global priority for safeguarding freedom of expression.

States are under an obligation to prevent, protect against, and prosecute attacks against journalists and human rights defenders. Creating a safe and enabling environment for their work necessitates legal reform, the creation of special protection mechanisms, and protocols to guide effective investigations and prosecutions where attacks occur. A free press and active civil society are essential to ensure the public’s right to know, so that governments and institutions can be held accountable.

Albania: Swift justice required following deadly attack on Top Channel
27.03.2023 3 min read

Albania: Swift justice required following deadly attack on Top Channel

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International: Committing to media freedom ahead of Summit for Democracy
27.03.2023 3 min read

International: Committing to media freedom ahead of Summit for Democracy

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Europe and Central Asia: Tackling the Erosion of Free Speech
22.03.2023 2 min read

Europe and Central Asia: Tackling the Erosion of Free Speech

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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Do not re-criminalise defamation
21.03.2023 5 min read

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Do not re-criminalise defamation

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Kenya: Ensure public safety during opposition protests
17.03.2023 7 min read

Kenya: Ensure public safety during opposition protests

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Malta: Press freedom groups urge PM to deliver strong media law reforms
16.03.2023 4 min read

Malta: Press freedom groups urge PM to deliver strong media law reforms

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EU: Action required regarding the EC Safety of Journalists Recommendation
16.03.2023 7 min read

EU: Action required regarding the EC Safety of Journalists Recommendation

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Serbia: Cycle of impunity for killing of Slavko Ćuruvija must be broken
16.03.2023 4 min read

Serbia: Cycle of impunity for killing of Slavko Ćuruvija must be broken

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Europe: Journalists must be better protected as press freedom declines
15.03.2023 5 min read

Europe: Journalists must be better protected as press freedom declines

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