Regional bodies

There are a number of regional human rights bodies that have been created to monitor, adjudicate and set standards on human rights at the regional level. These include the African Commission (and Court) on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Inter-American Commission (and Court) on Human Rights (IACHR), and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), among others.

While each of these bodies have different structures, mandates and varying levels of competence to set binding legal standards, they perform an important function in enabling regional cooperation on human rights protections. ARTICLE 19’s regional offices and programmes regularly engage with these bodies to improve regional standards and address violations of the right to free expression at the regional level.

EU: Digital Markets Act must enhance free speech
11.02.2022 7 min read

EU: Digital Markets Act must enhance free speech

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Burkina Faso: Respect for human rights must be at the heart of negotiations
05.02.2022 6 min read

Burkina Faso: Respect for human rights must be at the heart of negotiations

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Turkey: Revoking university posts threatens academic freedom
21.12.2021 6 min read

Turkey: Revoking university posts threatens academic freedom

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Kenya: Governments in East Africa must respect freedom of expression
17.11.2021 8 min read

Kenya: Governments in East Africa must respect freedom of expression

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Turkey: International human rights law training for lawyers
10.11.2021 1 min read

Turkey: International human rights law training for lawyers

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Free speech rapporteurs: A blueprint for politicians and public officials
20.10.2021 7 min read

Free speech rapporteurs: A blueprint for politicians and public officials

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Slovenia: EU Presidency must not obstruct efforts to improve media freedom in Europe
25.06.2021 5 min read

Slovenia: EU Presidency must not obstruct efforts to improve media freedom in Europe

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Turkey: Open letter urges the European Council to strengthen its commitment to human rights in the EU-Turkey relations
23.06.2021 5 min read

Turkey: Open letter urges the European Council to strengthen its commitment to human rights in the EU-Turkey relations

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Turkey: Open letter to the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission ahead of their visit to Turkey
01.04.2021 6 min read

Turkey: Open letter to the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission ahead of their visit to Turkey

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