Participation and association

The right to participation and association is closely linked to the right to freedom of expression:  it allows expression as part of a collective, enables organising and campaigning for change, challenging the status quo, and participation in local/national democracy and inter-governmental fora. The ability to ensure diversity and pluralism in public debates, and therefore build a successful democracy, depends on people’s ability to express themselves, but also to choose the organisations or political affiliations they demonstrate participation though.

Legislation that restricts NGOs’ access to foreign funding, requires registration or permits to engage with foreign governments or IGOs, provides for travel bans/restrictions, or sets out onerous reporting requirements designed to prevent NGOs’ operations, are among the many ways governments around the world can seek to limit these rights and therefore avoid criticism or dissent. At their most extreme, they can see the designation of CSOs or social movements as “terrorist organisations”.

Equally, intimidation of political opposition and activists, dissolution of political parties, and judicial harassment of political leaders are serious issues that threaten political expression as well as association and participation, and can deny the public their right to participate in democratic processes and public debate.

Kenya: The government must end violence and protect the right to protest
28.06.2024 3 min read

Kenya: The government must end violence and protect the right to protest

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China: New guidelines are an unacceptable escalation in attack on Taiwan’s freedom of expression
28.06.2024 6 min read

China: New guidelines are an unacceptable escalation in attack on Taiwan’s freedom of expression

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Ukraine: European Court highlights Russia’s repression in occupied Crimea
28.06.2024 5 min read

Ukraine: European Court highlights Russia’s repression in occupied Crimea

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Poland: Key reflections and action points from the Anti-SLAPP Conference
30.04.2024 8 min read

Poland: Key reflections and action points from the Anti-SLAPP Conference

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Algeria: Release detainees and open civic space
05.04.2024 8 min read

Algeria: Release detainees and open civic space

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Blog: Polarisation, violence and harm in Malaysia – and a need to end this dangerous political game
05.04.2024 10 min read

Blog: Polarisation, violence and harm in Malaysia – and a need to end this dangerous political game

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UN: Momentum growing for a woman Secretary-General 
27.03.2024 8 min read

UN: Momentum growing for a woman Secretary-General 

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Poland: Rainbow Mary case underscores the need to repeal blasphemy laws
25.03.2024 3 min read

Poland: Rainbow Mary case underscores the need to repeal blasphemy laws

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Senegal: Upholding democracy and human rights during the presidential election
21.03.2024 4 min read

Senegal: Upholding democracy and human rights during the presidential election

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