EU: NSO Group tech must be on global sanction list
03.12.2021 9 min read

EU: NSO Group tech must be on global sanction list

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EU: Put fundamental rights first in AI Act
01.12.2021 2 min read

EU: Put fundamental rights first in AI Act

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EU: A diverse, decentralised digital services environment will protect rights
04.11.2021 4 min read

EU: A diverse, decentralised digital services environment will protect rights

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Europe: Artificial Intelligence Act must protect free speech and privacy
22.10.2021 21 min read

Europe: Artificial Intelligence Act must protect free speech and privacy

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EU: Civil society urges EU to fix algorithms
22.09.2021 15 min read

EU: Civil society urges EU to fix algorithms

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EU: Action needed to tackle spyware abuses after Pegasus revelations
15.09.2021 7 min read

EU: Action needed to tackle spyware abuses after Pegasus revelations

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EU: Stop platforms from suppressing public interest research
13.09.2021 8 min read

EU: Stop platforms from suppressing public interest research

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Digital Services Act: IMCO draft report raises freedom of expression concerns
30.06.2021 5 min read

Digital Services Act: IMCO draft report raises freedom of expression concerns

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Digital Markets Act: Civil Society addresses the European Parliament (IMCO)
29.06.2021 5 min read

Digital Markets Act: Civil Society addresses the European Parliament (IMCO)

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