
In jurisdictions around the world, there are laws or administrative practices that can be abused to censor critical voices on- and offline.

Criminal defamation laws are easily abused by authorities to limit scrutiny and to stifle public debates, and are often used against journalists reporting on controversial issues, or members of the public expressing themselves online.

Equally, laws that criminalise so-called “false news” provide public authorities with a powerful instrument to control journalistic activities: allowing public officials to decide what counts as truth is tantamount to accepting that the forces in power have a right to silence any opposition.    Like ‘hate speech’ or terrorism, the notion of “fake news” is too vague to prevent subjective and arbitrary interpretation.

Laws that seek to deal with the dissemination of unlawful content on social media also often fail to comply with international standards, by being too broad and therefore encouraging social media platforms to over-censor.

While forms of censorship have evolved with the growth of the internet as a space for expression, efforts by states to restrict the right to freedom of opinion and expression through vague and broad provisions are still a frequent occurrence.

Pakistan: Serious concern over Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill
01.12.2015 9 min read

Pakistan: Serious concern over Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill

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UN General Assembly: Member states urged to support Human Rights in Iran
13.11.2015 13 min read

UN General Assembly: Member states urged to support Human Rights in Iran

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Malaysia: Zunar’s Trial challenges Sedition Act as unconstitional
06.11.2015 1 min read

Malaysia: Zunar’s Trial challenges Sedition Act as unconstitional

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Record-Breaker on Trial: Who is Zunar?
06.11.2015 7 min read

Record-Breaker on Trial: Who is Zunar?

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“Everybody must fight for freedom in their own way” – ARTICLE 19 Interview with Zunar
06.11.2015 7 min read

“Everybody must fight for freedom in their own way” – ARTICLE 19 Interview with Zunar

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06.11.2015 2 min read

Iran: Reports of an intensifying crackdown

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Newsletter: Freedom of Expression in East Africa
04.11.2015 10 min read

Newsletter: Freedom of Expression in East Africa

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Rwanda: Government must commit to Freedom of Expression at UPR
03.11.2015 2 min read

Rwanda: Government must commit to Freedom of Expression at UPR

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Country Report: Silenced and Intimidated – Attacks on Freedom of Expression in Kenya
02.11.2015 2 min read

Country Report: Silenced and Intimidated – Attacks on Freedom of Expression in Kenya

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