
Kazakhstan: Forced closure of newspaper constitutes unacceptable censorship
25.06.2016 2 min read

Kazakhstan: Forced closure of newspaper constitutes unacceptable censorship

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Environmental Human Rights Defenders: risks and challenges
24.06.2016 1 min read

Environmental Human Rights Defenders: risks and challenges

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ECHR: Serious harm jurisdictional threshold must be respected
04.05.2016 6 min read

ECHR: Serious harm jurisdictional threshold must be respected

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15.04.2016 1 min read

ECtHR: Free Expression and Data Protection must be balanced

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Uganda: UPR Submission
06.04.2016 2 min read

Uganda: UPR Submission

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South Sudan: UPR Submission
06.04.2016 3 min read

South Sudan: UPR Submission

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Ghana: Parliament needs to rethink controversial new spy bill
15.03.2016 1 min read

Ghana: Parliament needs to rethink controversial new spy bill

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ECtHR: Bulk interception powers violate freedom of expression
14.03.2016 3 min read

ECtHR: Bulk interception powers violate freedom of expression

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ARTICLE 19 to UN watchdog: Free expression concerns around role of private sector in the digital age
14.03.2016 3 min read

ARTICLE 19 to UN watchdog: Free expression concerns around role of private sector in the digital age

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