
09.04.2018 6 min read

Poland: Blasphemy conviction of pop star violates free expression

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05.04.2018 1 min read

Mexico: Joint UPR finds that civic space has continued to shrink

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05.04.2018 2 min read

Malaysia: Joint submission to the Universal Periodic Review

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Mexico: Submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
25.02.2018 2 min read

Mexico: Submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

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06.02.2018 5 min read

Submission to European Court: Azerbaijan imposing travel restrictions upon journalists violates Article 10 ECHR

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06.02.2018 5 min read

Civil society to European Court: Russia website blocking of “extremist” material violates freedom of expression

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01.02.2018 2 min read

Poland: New national remembrance bill threatens media freedom

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22.12.2017 6 min read

US: ARTICLE 19 and others file amicus brief in Dakota Access Pipeline case

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19.12.2017 10 min read

Submission to UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression on ‘content regulation in the digital age’

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