
Mexico: Report shows Mexico’s state news agency  coordinated harassment against journalists
12.05.2020 5 min read

Mexico: Report shows Mexico’s state news agency coordinated harassment against journalists

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11.05.2020 2 min read

Ensuring the public’s right to know in the COVID-19 pandemic

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Advances in freedom of information under threat during coronavirus pandemic
11.05.2020 5 min read

Advances in freedom of information under threat during coronavirus pandemic

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Safeguarding media freedom and pluralism through the European Rule of Law Mechanism
17.04.2020 2 min read

Safeguarding media freedom and pluralism through the European Rule of Law Mechanism

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Kenya: Report on the challenges to free protest 2018-2019
19.11.2019 3 min read

Kenya: Report on the challenges to free protest 2018-2019

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Ending impunity: Guide to acting on UN standards on the safety of journalists
02.11.2019 3 min read

Ending impunity: Guide to acting on UN standards on the safety of journalists

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23.09.2019 2 min read

Rights in extremis: Russia’s anti-extremism practices from an international perspective

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Report: The right to information and natural resources in Myanmar
31.07.2019 8 min read

Report: The right to information and natural resources in Myanmar

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29.07.2019 1 min read

Brazil: Report on violations against freedom of expression in 2018

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