Press Release

Azerbaijan: Two years of repression under Aliyev documented in new report
28.10.2015 4 min read

Azerbaijan: Two years of repression under Aliyev documented in new report

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Brazil: Anti-Terrorism Bill threatens to restrict Right to Protest
21.10.2015 4 min read

Brazil: Anti-Terrorism Bill threatens to restrict Right to Protest

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Kenya: Unconstitutional attempt to gag media by Parliament
16.10.2015 3 min read

Kenya: Unconstitutional attempt to gag media by Parliament

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Turkey: Government must protect Protest and Debate after Ankara Attack
15.10.2015 4 min read

Turkey: Government must protect Protest and Debate after Ankara Attack

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Iran: Jason Rezaian sentenced in unacceptable violation of due process
15.10.2015 4 min read

Iran: Jason Rezaian sentenced in unacceptable violation of due process

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13.10.2015 2 min read

Side Event: Protecting whistleblowers and journalists’ sources

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“Don’t Provoke, Don’t Challenge” The Censorship and Self-Censorship of the LGBT Community in Kazakhstan
09.10.2015 10 min read

“Don’t Provoke, Don’t Challenge” The Censorship and Self-Censorship of the LGBT Community in Kazakhstan

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Tunisia: The Right to Know must be respected
28.09.2015 3 min read

Tunisia: The Right to Know must be respected

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Lebanon: Special Tribunal ignores press freedoms
28.09.2015 5 min read

Lebanon: Special Tribunal ignores press freedoms

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