Press Release

27.10.2016 1 min read

The international human rights challenge of arbitrary revocation of citizenship: Bahrain & The Gulf, the Dominican Republic, Myanmar, Canada and beyond

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25.10.2016 10 min read

ARTICLE 19’s response to recognition of IMPRESS

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Pakistan: Placing journalist Cyril Almeida on Exit Control List is an attack on freedom of expression
21.10.2016 2 min read

Pakistan: Placing journalist Cyril Almeida on Exit Control List is an attack on freedom of expression

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28.09.2016 4 min read

Nirbhoy – Fearless: ARTICLE 19 launches holistic protection platform

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27.09.2016 2 min read

Jordan: Journalist’s murder must be fully and transparently investigated

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19.09.2016 5 min read

Egypt: Court orders freezing of assets of prominent human rights defenders

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12.09.2016 4 min read

Iran: Zaghari-Ratcliffe sentenced to 5 years imprisonment on secret charges

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Turkey: International civil society condemn crackdown on freedom of expression
06.09.2016 4 min read

Turkey: International civil society condemn crackdown on freedom of expression

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01.09.2016 2 min read

Kenya: New dawn for transparency as Access to Information law is passed

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