Press Release

Kenya: Court strikes down criminal defamation laws
06.02.2017 3 min read

Kenya: Court strikes down criminal defamation laws

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Iran: How Iranian authorities have been fighting the ‘Soft War’ online
03.02.2017 4 min read

Iran: How Iranian authorities have been fighting the ‘Soft War’ online

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Commutation of Manning’s sentence must be followed by Snowden pardon, whistleblower protections
18.01.2017 4 min read

Commutation of Manning’s sentence must be followed by Snowden pardon, whistleblower protections

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16.12.2016 4 min read

Tanzania: Popular website Jamii Forum’s office raided, staff arrested and detained

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IGF 2016 Civil Society Closing Speech
09.12.2016 6 min read

IGF 2016 Civil Society Closing Speech

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07.12.2016 4 min read

Hivos and ARTICLE 19 show countries’ readiness to open up public contracting

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New guidelines on the right to protest show state obligations to respect, protect and facilitate
07.12.2016 4 min read

New guidelines on the right to protest show state obligations to respect, protect and facilitate

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04.11.2016 2 min read

Gambia: referral to AU Executive Council a step in the right direction

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02.11.2016 3 min read

Brazil: new report analyses impunity in crimes against communicators

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