Legal Analysis

France: 10 digital rights and free speech groups call on the French Senat to reject online hate speech Avia Bill
12.12.2019 8 min read

France: 10 digital rights and free speech groups call on the French Senat to reject online hate speech Avia Bill

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10.12.2019 6 min read

Cambodia: Analysis of the Draft Law on Access to Information

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28.11.2019 2 min read

Ethiopia: Analysis of draft law on hate speech and false information

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Russia: New Bill on pre-installed apps will limit users’ choice and restrict freedom of expression
21.11.2019 7 min read

Russia: New Bill on pre-installed apps will limit users’ choice and restrict freedom of expression

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12.11.2019 2 min read

Bangladesh: analysis of the Digital Security Act

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19.09.2019 4 min read

European Court of Human Rights: the use of government hacking “represents one of the greatest threats to fundamental rights in the digital age”

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25.07.2019 14 min read

ARTICLE 19 comments on new Italian regulation on ‘hate speech’

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03.07.2019 16 min read

France: Analysis of draft hate speech bill

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Iran’s Draft Data Protection Act: Too little but not too late
27.06.2019 10 min read

Iran’s Draft Data Protection Act: Too little but not too late

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