Legal Analysis

Twitter Rules: Analysis against international standards on freedom of expression
05.09.2018 6 min read

Twitter Rules: Analysis against international standards on freedom of expression

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Facebook Community Standards: Analysis against international standards on freedom of expression
30.07.2018 6 min read

Facebook Community Standards: Analysis against international standards on freedom of expression

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23.05.2018 7 min read

Somalia: Draft Media Law

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18.05.2018 6 min read

Rwanda: Law Governing Information and Communication Technologies

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16.05.2018 2 min read

Tanzania: Electronic and Postal Communications (Online Content) Regulations 2018

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24.04.2018 4 min read

Malaysia: Anti-Fake News Act

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12.04.2018 4 min read

Kenya: Computer and Cybercrimes Bill 2017

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13.03.2018 3 min read

Tunisia: Draft Law on Audio-Visual Commission

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13.03.2018 2 min read

Tunisia: Analysis of Draft Law on the Audio-Visual Commission

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