
A picture of rapid decline: Turkey’s record on freedom of expression – Online Panel
24.09.2020 4 min read

A picture of rapid decline: Turkey’s record on freedom of expression – Online Panel

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ARTICLE 19 is launching #EyesOnExpression, curated by our Media Editor
25.06.2020 1 min read

ARTICLE 19 is launching #EyesOnExpression, curated by our Media Editor

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Online Event: Join Special Rapporteurs in the launch of the 2020 Joint Declaration
22.04.2020 2 min read

Online Event: Join Special Rapporteurs in the launch of the 2020 Joint Declaration

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Breaking Down Silos: Cross-sector Approaches to Combatting Online Gender-based Violence
02.12.2019 2 min read

Breaking Down Silos: Cross-sector Approaches to Combatting Online Gender-based Violence

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20.11.2019 5 min read

Event: Resisting censorship in Turkey

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London vigil: No justice two years on for Daphne Caruana Galizia
08.10.2019 3 min read

London vigil: No justice two years on for Daphne Caruana Galizia

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12.09.2019 3 min read

Event: Journalism behind bars in Turkey

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20.06.2019 2 min read

Event: Justice for Khashoggi: Enhancing the UN’s impact in ending impunity

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20.06.2019 3 min read

Event: Defending online civic space: challenges facing human rights defenders

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