
Regulating social media: we need a new model that protects free expression
25.04.2018 12 min read

Regulating social media: we need a new model that protects free expression

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Facebook congressional testimony: “AI tools” are not the panacea
13.04.2018 7 min read

Facebook congressional testimony: “AI tools” are not the panacea

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WSIS Forum: Take Iran to task on its human rights failures online
21.03.2018 7 min read

WSIS Forum: Take Iran to task on its human rights failures online

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Iran: Cases of Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Seyed-Emami create dark precedent for privacy violations and unlawful detentions
15.03.2018 11 min read

Iran: Cases of Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Seyed-Emami create dark precedent for privacy violations and unlawful detentions

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Speaking out on online abuse against women
08.03.2018 4 min read

Speaking out on online abuse against women

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Iran: Government throttling of Telegram after lifting block
08.03.2018 9 min read

Iran: Government throttling of Telegram after lifting block

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28.02.2018 7 min read

Spain: Press in the Basque country when faced by blatant racism

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Apps and traps: dating apps must do more to protect LGBTQ communities in Middle East and North Africa
22.02.2018 15 min read

Apps and traps: dating apps must do more to protect LGBTQ communities in Middle East and North Africa

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Iran: Protests confirm we need to push for transparency in Iran now
23.01.2018 6 min read

Iran: Protests confirm we need to push for transparency in Iran now

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